06 -Bacstain- Series

-Bacstain- PI solution

-<i>Bacstain</i>- PI solution

Bacterial Staining

  • Product code
    BS07  -Bacstain- PI solution
  • Chemical name
    3,8-Diamino-5-[3-(diethylmethylammonio)propyl]-6-phenylphenanthridinium diiodide, solution
  • MW
Unit size Price Item Code
100 assays $125.00 BS07-10

100 assays
Quantity may be adjusted within the cart.

Chemical Structure


Technical info

1. Allow PI solution a) to stand at room temperature for 30 minutes to thaw. Solution should be protected from light.
2. Resuspend the organisms with PBS(-) or saline and adjust the number of cells to 106 cells/mL(flow cytometry) or 108-109 cells/mL(microscopy).
3. Add 10 μl of PI solution into 1 mL of microbial cell suspension and vortex gently to mix. Formaldehyde-fixation may be carried out, if necessary.
4. Incubate the microbial cells at room temperature for 5 minutes.
5. Analyze the stained-cells with a flow cytometer or a microscope. The maximum wavelengths of the dye are 530 nm for excitation and 620 nm for emission.

a) Since PI may be carcinogenic, be careful when handling and disposing.

Staining Data

Fig. 2
S. epidermidis stained with CFDA and PI (left).
E. coli stained with CFDA and PI (middle).
S. epidermidis stained with DAPI and PI (right).


Open References

1. N. Yamaguchi, et al., Flow cytometric analysis of bacterial respiratory and enzymatic activity in the natural aquatic environment. J Appl Microbiol. 1997;83:43-52.

Handling and storage condition

Appearance: Orange to red liquid
Dye content: To pass test
Handling and storage condition
-20°C, Protect from light

Product Classification

Product Classification

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