14 Metal Chelates
04 Intracellular Fluorescent Probes



Intracellular Fluorescent Probes

  • Product code
    T040  TPEN
  • CAS No.
  • Chemical name
  • MW
Unit size Price Item Code
100 mg $260.00 T040-10

100 mg
Quantity may be adjusted within the cart.

Product Description

TPEN is a highly selective chelator of transition metal cations because the pyridine groups act as soft electron donators. TPEN is thus utilized for masking transition metal cations in fluorescent calcium monitoring. The masking function of the zinc cation is important for canceling the Fluorescent effect. TPEN is water-soluble and cell membrane permeable. Maximum wavelength is 260 nm. The physical properties of TPEN are as follows: pKa1=10.27, pKa2=3.32, pKa3=4.85, and pKa4=7.19; LogKMn=10.27, logKFe=14.61, logKZn=15.58, logKMg=1.7, and logKCa=4.4.

Heavy Metal Chelation


Open References

1) G. Anderegg and F. Wenk, "Pyridinderivate Als Komplexbildner VIII Die Herstellung Je Eines Neuen Vier- und Sechszahnigen Liganden", Helv. Chim. Acta, 1967, 50, 2330.
2) G. Anderegg, E. Hubmann, N. G. Podder and F. Wenk, "Pyridinderivate als Komplexbildner. XI). Die Thermodynamik der Metallkomplexbildung mit Bis-, Tris- und Tetrakis[(2-pyridyl)methyl]-aminen", Helv. Chim. Acta, 1977, 60, 123.
3) P. Arslan, F. Di Virgilio, M. Beltrame, R. Y. Tsien and T. Pozzan, "Cytosolic Ca2+ Homeostasis in Ehrlich and Yoshida Carcinomas A, New Membrane-Permeant Chelator of Heavy Metals Reveals That These Ascites Tumor Cell Lines Have Normal Cytosolic Free Ca2+", J. Biol. Chem., 1985, 260, 2719.
4) T. Tatsumi and H. Fliss, "Hypochlorous Acid Mobilizes Intracellular Zinc in Isolated Rat Heart Myocytes", J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 1994, 26(4), 471.
5) I. Sakabe, S. Paul, W. Dansithong and T. Shinozawa, "Induction of Apoptosis in Neuro-2A Cells by Zn2+ Chelating", Cell Struct. Funct., 1998, 23(2), 95.

Handling and storage condition

Appearance: White to slightly yellow crystalline powder
Purity (Titration): ≧ 98.0 %
Solubility in Dimethyl sulfoxide: To pass test (clear, colorless)
m.p.: 110 - 115 oC
IR spectrum: Authentic
Handling and storage condition
Ambient temperature

Product Classification

Product Classification

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