05 Cell Staining

-Cellstain- MitoRed

Mitochondrial Staining

  • Product code
    R237  -Cellstain- MitoRed
  • Chemical name
    9-[2-(4'-MethylcoumariN-7'-oxycarbonyl)phenyl]-3,6-bis(diethylamino)xanthylium chloride
  • MW
Unit size Price Item Code
50 μg x 8 $227.00 R237-10
50 μg x 8
Quantity may be adjusted within the cart.

Product Description

MitoRed is a cell-membrane-permeable, rhodamine-based dye. It localizes in mitochondria and emits red fluorescence (Fig. 1). The interaction of MitoRed with mitochondria depends on the membrane potential of the mitochondria. Mitochondria can be stained with 20 to 200 nM MitoRed. The excitation and emission wavelengths of MitoRed are 560 nm and 580 nm, respectively.


Open References

1) R. Ikeda, T. Sugita, E. S. Jacobson and T. Shinoda, "Effects of Melanin upon Susceptibility of Cryptococcus to Antifungals", Microbiol. Immunol., 2003, 47(4), 271.

Handling and storage condition

Appearance: Red purple to purplish brown solid
Solubility in Dimethyl sulfoxide: To pass test (clear, red to red purple)
NMR spectrum: Authentic
Handling and storage condition
0-5°C, Protect from light
Danger / harmful
symbol mark

Product Classification

Product Classification

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