15 Chromogen/Metal Indicator



Metal Indicator

  • Product code
    P004  PC
  • CAS No.
  • Chemical name
  • MW
Unit size Price Item Code
1 g $57.00 P004-10
5 g $191.00 P004-12
Quantity may be adjusted within the cart.

Product Description

PC is a colorimetric reagent and metal indicator for alkaline earth metal ions. This reagent is slightly soluble in water and readily soluble in aqueous ammonia or organic solvents. The aqueous solution is colorless at pH 11, but turns a strong pink in the presence of alkaline earth metals. PC is widely utilized for the determination of serum calcium by an autoanalyzer.

Chemical Structure


Chelate titration: Ca, Ba, Mg, Sr, CN, SO42-
Colorimetry: Ca, Ba, Hg(II), La, Mg, Sr


Ba: pH 11.3, 575 nm, detection range 0-5 ppm Ca: pH 10.5, 575 nm, detection range 0-1 ppm
Hg: pH 10, 585 nm, detection range 0.1-4 ppm La: cetylpyridiniumbromate, 617 nm, detection range 0-2 ppm
Mg: pH 10, 570 nm, detection range 5-30 ppm Sr: pH 11.2, 575 nm, detection range 0-3 ppm


Open References

1) G. Anderegg, H. Flaschka, R. Sallmann and G. Schwarzenbach, "Metallindikatoren VII. Ein Auf Erdalkaliionen Ansprechendes Phtalein und Seine Analytische Verwendung", Helv. Chim. Acta, 1954, 38, 113.
2) J. Bosholm, "Spektrofotometrische Bestimmung von Calciumspuren Nachihrer Abstrennung aus Konzentrierten Lithiumchlorid-losungen Mittels Kationenaustausch", Anal. Chim. Acta, 1966, 34, 71.

Handling and storage condition

Appearance: White to slightly yellowish pink powder
Solubility in Methyl alcohol: To pass test (clear, colorless to pale yellow)
Absorbance (Barium complex): ≧ 0.800 (around 578nm)
Absorbance(blank): ≦ 0.090 (around 575nm)
Sulfated ash: ≦ 1.0 %
Sensitivity: To pass test
Freeo- Cresolphthalaine: To pass test
IR spectrum: Authentic
Handling and storage condition
Ambient temperature

Product Classification

Product Classification

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