19 Biochemicals

D-Luciferin K salt

D-Luciferin K salt

Substrate for Luciferase

  • Product code
    L226  D-Luciferin K salt
  • CAS No.
  • Chemical name
  • MW
Unit size Price Item Code
25 mg $298.00 L226-10
25 mg
Quantity may be adjusted within the cart.

Chemical Structure

Product Description

D-Luciferin is a firefly luciferase substrate. Its quantum efficiency is 0.88, which is 20 times that of Luminol. The reaction mechanism is shown below. First, Luciferin reacts with ATP by luciferase in the presence of magnesium ion, then it is oxidized to form dioxetane structure and emits yellow-green light. Luciferin-luciferase luminescence is used for ATP monitoring to determine cell viability and bacteria counting. It is also used for reporter gene assays.


Open References

1. V. T. Nguyen, et al., Firefly Luciferase Luminescence Assays Using Scintillation Counters for Quantitation in Transfected Mammalian Cells. Anal Biochem. 1988;171:404-408.
2. S. P. Crouch, et al., The Use of ATP Bioluminescence as a Measure of Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity. J Immunol Methods. 1993;160:81-88.
3. S. R. Ford, et al., Improvements in the Application of Firefly Luciferase Assays. Methods Mol Biol. 1998;102:3-20.

Handling and storage condition

Appearance: Pale yellow to yellow powder
Purity (HPLC): ≧ 98.0 %
Solubility in water: To pass test (clear, slightly to pale yellow)
NMR spectrum: Authentic
Handling and storage condition
-20°C, Protect from light, Nitrogen substitution, Protect from moisture

Product Classification

Product Classification

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